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NSP Queensland: Registration Form
To register for the Queensland Pharmacy Needle and Syringe Program, please fill out the below details for your pharmacy.
Pharmacy Details
Pharmacy Name
Street Address Line 1
Street Address Line 2
Post Code
Pharmacy Email
Pharmacy Phone
PBS Approval Number
Name of staff member registering for the program:
Position within the pharmacy:
Pharmacy manager
Retail manager
Intern pharmacist
Due to funding limitations, we are unable to allocate a 120L sharps disposal bin to newly registered pharmacies.
Do you wish to register for the PNSP with the understanding that you will not receive a 120L sharps disposal bin?
To participate in the PNSP, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions:
Failure to adhere to the program’s terms and conditions may result in the pharmacy being deregistered from the PNSP. This will involve the removal of the 120L sharps disposal bin from the pharmacy and the pharmacy will no longer be permitted to order Queensland Health approved sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs).
Participating pharmacies and pharmacy staff agree to the following:
Order Queensland Health approved sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs) using the approved PNSP process.
Order Queensland Health approved sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs) on a regular basis – at least annually.
Queensland Health approved sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs) must be made available to sell to all consumers.
Sell Queensland Health approved sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs) for a set price of $3 (incl. GST) per pack to clients.
Sell ONLY Queensland Health approved sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs). Participating pharmacies should not be selling other brands or types of sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs) e.g. from wholesalers.
Use the provided 120L sharps disposal bin (Height: 92cm x Width: 48cm x Depth: 55cm) for community generated sharps waste only.
Not accept commercially generated waste from external businesses such as aged care facilities, hairdressers, medical centres, tattooists etc.
Pharmacies with excessive sharps disposal use may be contacted for further information and may be liable for additional charges.
Only dispose of sharps waste contained in an appropriate rigid-walled, puncture resistant container (loose sharps, medications, medical and general waste must not be disposed of in the 120L sharps disposal bin).
Agree to regular auditing of contents of 120L sharps disposal bins by Queensland Health.
Store 120L sharps disposal bin in a lockable area located within the pharmacy and NOT outside the pharmacy. Participating pharmacies must have the 120L sharps disposal bin located in an area that cannot be easily accessed by unsupervised children.
The pharmacy will be responsible for the replacement cost of the 120L sharps disposal bin if it is lost or damaged.
In cases of change in pharmacy ownership, the pharmacy’s participation in PNSP is automatically transferred over to the new owner, unless the new owner stated otherwise. It is the responsibility of both the old and new owners to ensure the 120L sharps disposal bin is transferred accordingly and in good condition.
If a pharmacy is relocating, the pharmacy must contact the PNSP to organise the relocation of the 120L sharps disposal bin from the original to the new site (premise). The 120L sharps disposal bin should not be removed from the original site by pharmacy staff as they do not have the relevant licenses to move such bins.
Sell Queensland Health approved sterile injecting equipment (sharps packs) as an entire unit. The contents of packs should not be broken down and sold as individual components.
Adhere to policies and procedures of the PNSP (including procedures relating to the safe disposal of sharps and client confidentiality).
Comply with Queensland's Environmental Protection Regulation 2008 by signing a Waste Tracking Agreement with the disposal contractor.
Maintain a level of knowledge amongst staff regarding the PNSP and other harm minimisation strategies.
Have the pharmacy’s details listed publicly as a participating pharmacy of the PNSP.
The collection, storage and disclosure of information relating to the pharmacy’s involvement in the PNSP to Queensland Health.
Receive future promotional material from The Pharmacy Guild of Australia. You may opt out at any time.
Participate in the annual PNSP Operational Survey for quality improvement purposes.
Not to associate or adhere promotional material of any kind (e.g. that of the pharmacy or any other service provider) to any products of the PNSP (e.g. sharps kits)
Do you agree to the terms and conditions?
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